Going Higher With Hybrid: How The Pandemic Has Forced New Creativity In Events

When the pandemic hit, live gatherings of people came to a halt. Soon enough, companies — along with organizations of all kinds — began using video conferencing tools to host “virtual events.” These were just an expanded version of the video conferences people turned to for routine working meetings.

With offices beginning to re-open, the prospect of hosting large-scale live in-person events is back. But the world is not the same. People’s expectations have been influenced by the discovery that technology can still provide the immediacy of a live event, without the inconveniences and expense of travel.

But there is still an undeniable power in a sales meeting, a training session, or users’ conference happening in real time. As with the new hybrid workstyle, which blends in-person and virtual participation in the workplace, the hybrid event has emerged as a viable or even more effective way to harness this power.

What’s Old Is New

In effect, AV-Tech has been facilitating hybrid events for decades; video streaming of live and recorded material has been part of our offering from the beginning. The only significant difference now is how many people are physically attending the event versus how many are watching and participating online. But this difference is truly significant.

A large gathering has an energy of its own. The AV-Tech Events team has developed various techniques to help replicate this energy in a more virtual context. These include leveraging multiple cameras to break out of the “Zoom stare” talking head look with fidgeting eyes, isolating people rather than bringing them together.  Interleaving recorded videos to break up the pattern is even more effective now that you don’t have to direct the audience to look at a screen. Pre-recorded speakers can benefit significantly from this technique; they can edit slides into their presentation for a more engaging piece.

Since we are accustomed to doing whatever it takes to make an event successful and memorable, we used to find ourselves sourcing anything from giant chess pieces to snow machines. Now, we apply that same creativity to creating video elements that shake things up, get people engaged, and make each event special.

What’s New Is Even Newer

Another critical element of a live, in-person event is the opportunity for attendees to interact. In addition to the routine use of chat and pols to keep remote attendees engaged, we use various break-out session techniques to enable participants to network and interact with one another. On one recent occasion, we arranged individual wireless mics for a roomful of executives to participate dynamically with the remote attendees and each other.

The evolution of production tools now allows us to create a budget-friendly hybrid event at virtually any location. Our remote production capabilities enable event planners to focus on the concept and the content. We can capture and share whatever they conceive. And, just as we always have, we will volunteer solutions or opportunities they may never think of to leverage this new hybrid context.

This may become more important as in-person attendance at live events becomes less mandatory. The new workstyle and the increasing sophistication of hybrid events will undoubtedly change how companies frame their gatherings.

What Will Never Change

This brings us to the key element of AV-Tech’s approach to event production and management: Partnership. Whether live in-person, 100% virtual, or a hybrid, we see our clients as partners. If they know exactly what they want and need, we can supply it. And–in the true spirit of partnership–we make sure that all decisions support their objectives and honor their budget.

This spirit of partnership extends to any other suppliers or stakeholders who are contributing to the event or will benefit from its success. In-person or virtual, live or recorded, executive or staff, existing client or new account… WE GOT YOU.

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