Office Breakdown Part 4: Reception Desk

Does the first space clients see accurately reflect your company’s identity? If you still depend on paper signage or clipboard sign-in sheets, you may not like the answer. But worry not — the newest installment in our series will teach you how to upgrade your reception area. Whether you’re going for impressive video walls or sleek digital displays, strategic AV technology can help your company put its best foot forward.


They say first impressions are everything — and in the case of your reception desk, this couldn’t be more true. Any visiting client, customer, contractor, or potential employee will have to pass through this space, and what they see can alter their opinion of your business — for better or for worse. In the modern workspace, the presence of certain pieces of technology (or lack thereof) speaks volumes, so getting your first impression right is critical. Read on to learn about some key pieces of AV technology that can take your reception desk from underwhelming to impressive.


Interactive Screens

If you’re still tracking visitors with a clipboard sign-in sheet, it’s definitely time to upgrade. Streamlining the check-in process with the help of interactive screens is a win for everyone: visitors are immediately engaged upon entering the area, the presence of touchscreens speaks to your company’s high-tech status, and your receptionist gains back valuable time that would otherwise be spent entering people’s information in their computer.

These screens can take on several forms that fit diverse budgets and needs. For smaller companies, a simple tablet may suffice. For enterprise-level clients, however, interactive displays can range anywhere from kiosks with touchscreens to ultra-high-definition screens that fill entire walls. What’s more visually impressive than an interactive screen that prompts visitors to learn about the company or provides a map of where they need to go?

A final benefit of interactive digital signage is that it creates an instant, obvious focal point for visitors. Whether it’s a “statement piece” interactive video wall or a single kiosk used for directing check-in, guests will know where to look and as a consequence feel more at ease.


Speaker Systems

Sitting in an overly noisy reception area isn’t ideal, but waiting in total silence may be even worse. Some strategic audio technology can help you strike the right balance. Low-profile speakers, whether they’re hidden in the ceiling or placed around the room, can be used to emit either ambient noise or music depending on the time of day.

Larger companies that need an announcement system may also decide to opt for separate speakers dedicated to that purpose. These high-tech solutions are designed to detect the ambient noise within a room and automatically adjust the volume of announcements so that they can be heard clearly.

There is a myriad of options for sound reinforcement that fit every sort of office, whether you’re aiming for cost-effective, low-profile, or high-quality sound (or all of the above). For the best results, work with an AV technology expert who can provide advice on not only the hardware itself, but also how it will work in your space and what sort of maintenance and updates it will need.

Ready to start planning your reception area upgrade? Learn more about our workspace solutions.

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