Office Breakdown Part 6: Audio

We all know the feeling that arises when you have to say, “Can you repeat that?” or “I lost that last part?”. By ensuring effective audio design and office acoustics are taken into consideration during the design and planning phase, you can ensure an environment and AV System that reduces the potential for audio disruptions and reduces employee frustration, that arises from these all too familiar situations.

From the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, you have likely unknowingly utilized various audio devices throughout the course of your day: think how many times you watch that video on your phone, use Bluetooth headphones during a workout, watch the latest episode of your favorite tv show, or join that conference call from your car’s audio system. These devices not only improve daily life but have also proven to be vital to the functionality of our office spaces, by improving productivity and making your workday more enjoyable.

Do you find yourself wondering how you can enhance your office environment and the systems you use for communication? To learn more about how to seamlessly integrate audio systems into your office design and why having high-quality audio is mission critical in the workplace, read on.


Achieving Seamless Integration

The now commonplace need for virtual meetings, uniting remote and hybrid employees, means that audio and video capability is no longer a luxury for a select few spaces but mission critical in all areas.  Improper design and installation has proven to cause frustration for employees and can even slow productivity in the workplace.

So how exactly do you ensure that the AV Systems you are integrating into your new office spaces meet the needs for presentations, conference calls, and even live events?  While there are a myriad of options available, not every situation requires the most complicated design. As an example, in most offices, the most important audio devices are the most obvious: microphones capable of providing coverage of the entire space, speakers that evenly distribute sound to all participants, and digital signal processors (DSP) that allow for filtering and dynamics control, while accounting for the appropriate number of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) channels.

High-performance audio does not have to come at the expense of office aesthetics. To ensure seamless integration, it is best to work with your architect or interior designer and AV designer, to account for these and other necessary audiovisual systems, as early as possible in the design phase.  Undertaking office renovations specifically to upgrade audiovisual equipment can require a bit more coordination, but a seamless integration is always achievable with collaboration between office and AV designers.


Why High-Quality?

High-quality audio has always been important in the workplace, and its impact will only continue to grow in the future. The growing acceptance of and ability to achieve a hybrid or remote schedule is the most recent contributor to this increased need. Whether serving in-person or remote participants, high-quality audio allows for seamless and effective communication in meetings for everyone involved. I’ve heard It said that audio without video Is radio, while video without audio Is useless.  Audio Is an often overlooked, yet essential part of the modern meeting.

Another business trend that has heightened the importance of quality audio design and integration, is the movement towards open-concept office designs. While businesses and employees alike enjoy the benefits of the increased collaboration, flexibility, and visibility made possible by open-concept offices, AV tech professionals are resistant to implement AV within these spaces, as it usually comes at the expense of sound quality, Intelligibility, and meeting privacy.

We are also seeing a rise in companies making an investment in sound-masking systems, to eliminate unwanted background noise and distractions in their open-concept office settings.  These systems are great for speech privacy, however, wreak havoc on echo cancellation algorithms and make effective conferencing communications extremely challenging.  Masking systems are an effective and budget-friendly solution to speech privacy in open-concept seating areas; however, they should never be Implemented In a space Intended for collaborative conferencing.

High-quality audio is an essential component in your larger AV System design, allowing for a successful and user-friendly business — both for your employees and your clients. Identifying, planning for, and integrating the right type of audio systems for spaces within your business, will improve speech intelligibility, enhance communication and collaboration, increase productivity, and ultimately make the workday more enjoyable for everyone.

Ready to level up your office space with high-quality audio? Dive in to learn more about our workspace solutions.

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