The Benefits of Onsite AV Support

Today is the day. The final presentation for a potential client is on the horizon and you know you’ve got it in the bag. The PowerPoint is finalized, the talking points are memorized, and you’re feeling as confident as ever. Nothing could stop you – or could it?

Disasters can strike at any moment. Today could be the day your conference line experiences technical difficulties, the WIFI connection is sputtering or the client is unable to access your video conferencing platform. You can prep for the big pitch, but there are a multitude of AV issues that can go wrong at any time.

In case something does go wrong, your company needs a solution in real time, not being stuck on hold with a support center for hours. A successful presentation depends on reliable AV, which is why having onsite support is so critical. Below are a few reasons companies need to have dedicated onsite AV support to handle any and all AV issues before disaster strikes.

Speed of Service

The most valuable thing onsite services can offer is quick response times and speed of service. Any issues or tweaks are solved in real time to keep operations flowing and cut back on time-consuming back and forth. Waiting on a tech to arrive or trying to solve a problem over the phone is a drawn-out process that is frustrating for all parties. Dedicated onsite staff offers a quick fix, while getting down to the root of the problem. Your team can go about their day, without any AV issues looming over their heads.

Face to Face Interaction Leads to Better Customer Experience

Apart from fast response times, in person interactions put clients at ease. There is a far better customer experience in person opposed to over the phone or even a chat box. Onsite AV technicians get to know not only the ins and outs of the companies they service, but the individuals as well. Learning to anticipate needs and preferences is an important step to offering an authentic experience. With multiple sessions occurring at the same time in different rooms, technicians need to know what clients need and when they need it, before they even realize they need it. This takes the relationship to a true partnership that extends far beyond a service agreement. Onsite AV staffing offers true peace of mind and allows you to focus on the task at hand.

Proactive vs. Reactive Approach 

With onsite staff you can ensure everything is taken care of before meetings even begin. In-person support can proactively test the technology prior to usage. Sure, you can monitor rooms remotely, but this will lead to some inaccuracies. It’s about having a balance of technical insights and the human touch. This is far more beneficial than submitting an online ticket.

An onsite AV team not only solves problems in real time but identifies opportunities for improvements. Constantly checking in to ensure everyone is comfortable with the technology and the technology is meeting the specific needs of those using it.

Onsite AV support is the only way to ensure next level experience. More importantly, it takes anxiety off the shoulders of your users. They need to be focused on their day ahead, not if a video call will be operational. Having a trusted partner onsite is the safety blanket that your company needs to crush your big sales presentation. This level of comfort is priceless and gives users more confidence to go about their day. Leave AV to pros and focus on your task at hand.

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