AV-Tech Forecast: What’s Coming in 2023

An exciting year lies ahead in the world of AV technology. From rapidly evolving equipment to augmented reality to sustainability initiatives, our last blog article of the year will dive into the new developments and continuing trends to keep an eye on in 2023.

The realm of AV technology is one of constant change, never more so than in the past few years. While the pandemic brought about lightspeed innovation in hybrid work technologies, these changes were by no means solely a product of circumstance – rather, they are a part of much larger trends and developments that define the past and future of AV tech. The past two years have also served as a research and development launching pad, allowing companies to design new technologies and systems that enhance or change the way we work. So, what lies ahead for 2023?

New Horizons for Commercial Real Estate

While a component of remote work is certainly here to stay, many employers are encouraging a partial return to the office. At the same time, employees are increasingly seeking jobs that provide a sense of community, no matter where teams are located. These factors have big implications for commercial real estate: how can buildings and technology adapt to the new reality of a workforce that craves connectedness both inside and outside the office?

The answer lies in adaptive solutions which partner with humans, rather than replacing them. To be successful, the new commercial real estate model must reimagine their value proposition and elevate AV technology as one of the most important elements of any commercial space.  Employees are seeking a marriage of space and tech, which enhances human relationships, rather than offering traditional “perks” to in-office employees while leaving behind those who work remotely or in a hybrid model. This could take several forms, from redesigning open floor plan offices to integrating enhanced AV technology in every shared workspace – not just larger conference rooms. These and other creative initiatives will allow for better connectivity across offices and remote workers, increasing both productivity and a sense of community.

Sustainability Initiatives Will Grow & Adapt

“Going green” has been a hot-button topic for many organizations over the past several years and sustainability initiatives will only continue to increase in demand. Whether your business is big or small, there are steps you can take towards an eco-friendlier model, which will benefit both the environment and ultimately, your bottom line. One of the easiest ways to reduce in-office costs and environmental impacts is by implementing a hybrid model for workers. But as we have learned through COVID, not all offices are properly equipped for this dynamic change. For workforces that rely heavily on an in-office presence, innovative AI and robust building management systems (BMS), which can monitor and control everything from temperature to airflow to lighting to AV power consumption, takes the guesswork out of making sustainable practices real and practical.

Fast-Paced Innovation Won’t Slow Down

Gone are the days of once-a-decade system updates. The sheer pace of technological innovation has created a “moving target era”, in which a system installed even 12 months prior may become compromised due to the speed and scale with which technology is changing. Conference rooms are a prime example, as a hybrid work model involves meetings that are simultaneously in-person and remote, with many key elements of cross-collaboration involved. Emergent technologies allow for a progression in video and audio quality, as well as the abilities for all participants to view each other as if they were in the same room, whiteboard together, share content, dictate conversations, record dialog, enable live interactive polling, and soon, even read and measure emotional involvement of meeting participants.

A major challenge faced by forward-thinking companies is that many of these technologies are still in their relative infancy and therefore not widely available in a real-world application; and yet, they are not that far away from being real and available.

The very best way to remain on the cutting edge of AV technology is by having a trusted, expert partner with whom you can not only complete ongoing projects, but help to think strategically and vision cast for tomorrow. From designing a space, to planning through a product’s full lifecycle, to providing on-site support, to dreaming about the workplace of tomorrow, a valued AV tech partner will give your business a marked advantage over the competition.

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