Customized LED Video Walls Are More Attainable Than You Might Think

Anyone who’s been to Times Square, or even seen it in a movie, knows the allure of the large LED displays that surround it. Whether showcasing stories, tall graphics, or winding news headlines across a curving banner the length of a city block, they grab attention and hold it; the result is almost mesmerizing.

Given the current advances in AV technology, an eye-catching LED video display is now easily within reach for small businesses; it might be the need isn’t to spread their message across a high-rise but may be looking to attract shoppers or inform event participants. This will be especially important to retailers who will be utilizing more display tech to attract shoppers back into their stores.

Here are a few reasons why investing in an LED video wall display may be just the ticket for spaces – and businesses – big and small.


Video walls are available in a growing range of sizes, as well as configurations. Modular installation options offer the ability to customize screen placement for tricky spots or to create a unique, eye-catching display. In addition to indoor and outdoor wall space, LED displays can be easily constructed on mobile carriers, allowing them to be precisely placed – or paraded – outside.

Literal flexibility is within reach as well. The curved walls once saved for Times Square, or for brands who could afford the cost, are now within reach for a wider variety of budgets and are thus becoming more popular for businesses of any size.


Even with flexibility, an investment in an LED video wall display still may be a stretch for some businesses. But in the long game, it’s worth it from both a quality and cost perspective. Today’s LED technology is more energy-efficient, as light-emitting diodes require less power. They also stay cool, reducing heat emissions.

Designed to last, LED displays use professional-grade equipment built for prolonged use, resulting in lower maintenance costs than non-LED options. At the same time, they are able to support 4K resolution, an ultra-high-definition display considered superior to HD. With better quality, cost-effective technology puts LED at the head of the pack for high capacity, utilizing low upkeep video display technology.


Easy-to-install modular configurations allow for creative placement and often come in the form of an all-in-one kit, even for large format displays. With easy WiFi hookup and connectivity modes, quick setup is possible for any space from functional meeting rooms to auditoriums and lecture halls.

For companies hustling to find talent, an LED video wall in their lobby can display imagery and graphics to convey the corporate culture, a key consideration for today’s job seekers. Candidates waiting in the lobby can gather key insights into a company via video before their interview even begins. 

Whether businesses are looking to create an indoor, outdoor, or even mobile display, the variety, and attainability of LED video walls offer the creativity and flexibility needed to turn a digital canvas into a memorable visual experience. If you’re looking to incorporate an LED video wall solution, we can help you ask the right questions to find what best fits your budget, use case, and expectations. We Got You.

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