Give Us a Sign: 5 Unique Ways to Use Your Digital Displays

Picture yourself in a waiting room, standing by as the person you’re meeting is being summoned by the receptionist. You have a few minutes so you think about scrolling your phone – but you don’t. Instead, your eye is drawn to a digital display perfectly positioned across from the seating area. There, you see one of the company’s Slack channels, #highfives, running live on the screen. Reading along as shoutouts are posted for employees in just about every department, you get a good feeling about this company. It’s a positive mindset that carries right into your meeting as you are ushered to a conference.

Digital signage is everywhere, displaying ads, news updates, or directional information. But there are so many more creative uses for these displays that can enable them to entertain, inform, or even inspire. Here, we look at five such scenarios:

Video intros: With employees more dispersed than ever, it can be hard to get to know coworkers well. By posting rotating slides on a digital signage display, companies can highlight their people one by one on a personal level. Featuring a headshot, for example, answers to ice-breaker-type questions could include their favorite sports team, the best book they’ve read, or what they like to do during downtime; together, these profiles can boost company culture and team building.

Live travel info: For customers and employees who don’t go anywhere without a packed carry-on, having instant access to everything from train schedules to updates on airport disruptions can be a lifesaver. Even locals need to know if their subway is running on time. Keeping a live travel info board is a valuable resource in any company lobby where people are on the go.

Real-time promotions: For retailers, there is an opportunity for instant engagement with customers both in-store and online by pushing out specialized promotions in real-time. Imagine a boutique reacting to a predicted snowstorm by announcing a flash sale on fuzzy socks or pom-pom hats. Customers in-store can jump right on the opportunity; if they’re also encouraged to post on their social channels, the word spreads quickly. Even a small shop could move that inventory before the first flake falls just by taking advantage of their digital signage.

Mindfulness prompts: We’re all trying to find a little calm in our days, but it can be challenging to say the least. As a perk for employees or for guests visiting the office, digital displays can be used for timed mindfulness breaks. Showing something as simple as a calming scene and a breathing timer, digital mini breaks such as these can go a long way in helping to foster calm and mental health as part of company culture. 

User-generated content:  Companies that utilize their social channels to engage in conversation with customers will have plenty of material to work with. Whether the content features product feedback, a creative demonstration, or just puts a smile on someone’s face, why not display it for employees and company guests to enjoy throughout the office? Connecting with consumers in a lighthearted way can be a motivator, a reminder of why everyone working hard for the company does what they do.

With digital displays more affordable than ever for businesses of every size, it’s a great time to take advantage of this easy way to add life, energy and opportunity to functional spaces. To find out the best way to work them into your layout, give us a call. This is what we do. We Got You.

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