How WFH Has Impacted AV In Your Office

We can agree most employees have figured out how to do their job from home – either by choice or by necessity. Unfortunately, this means that once they’re in the office, many employees want to replicate the same conveniences and experiences they have at home. While this may seem simple at first glance, equipment does not function the same in the office and at home. Your business will have to work around this challenge to deliver the best experience to your employees. This blog will show you how to do it. 

Examine the Purpose 

The purpose of many corporate offices has changed as hybrid working continues to be a popular working structure. This shift significantly impacts the office as a whole, but especially on the audio-visual equipment requirements of your office spaces. 

Office spaces need to do more than provide individual working areas, as most employees can conduct much of their day-to-day workflow at home. In addition to formal conference rooms that have become a standard office feature, huddle spaces, coworking areas, and brainstorming booths all need to be available to employees to foster a sense of cooperation and connection. However, for employees to collaborate effectively, these spaces’ technology may need to be updated or adjusted. 

Unsure of how your employees see the purpose of office time post-pandemic? The best way to ensure everyone is on the same page is to ask. These questions will ensure that your organization focuses on the proper schedules – and technology – needed for your employees to be their most productive selves. 

Examine Your Tech 

Recreating an identical WFH experience in the office is challenging – if you’ve ever joined a video call with another co-worker in the same room, you know why. Recreating the “Brady Bunch” effect of everyone having their screen on a video call when a few co-workers are in the same room isn’t possible due to the constraints of audio and camera equipment today. So how can you give your employees the best experience in the office conference room, especially if they’re interfacing with multiple team members on the other end of the call? 

Working with an AV technology partner is one of the best ways to ensure that your office technology is up-to-date and offers your employees the best experience. A good technologist will also be able to keep you informed of the limitations of your technology. Understanding the limits of current technology is also one of the best ways to keep everyone’s expectations of the corporate office at a practical level. 

When should you invite a technology partner into the planning process if you’re planning a major refresh to update your tech? As soon as possible. The benefits of inviting an AV partner in early are twofold. First, bringing an expert in can ensure that your budget is within a reasonable scope and spent wisely. Bigger isn’t always better for collaborative AV tools, and a responsible AV partner can help you spend your money on what matters. 

Does this sound like a daunting or even overwhelming process? Then, reach out to one of our AV experts today to discuss your project because “We Got You”! 

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