IT vs. AV: How Your Technology Teams Work Together

In a world where seamless collaboration is key, integrated IT and AV departments pave the way for unparalleled connectivity and productivity. Together, these two teams can create a cutting-edge dynamic that takes your business to new heights and sets you apart from your competitors. Read more about what this successful integration looks like and how it will positively impact your company.

With the increased focus on a digital world and workspace, learning how to seamlessly integrate your IT and AV departments is a vital exercise. The ability to create camaraderie and shared vision between these two sets of experts will transform the way your company communicates, collaborates, and ultimately experiences workplace operations. Don’t get us wrong — we are not suggesting that IT and AV departments merge completely, but rather speaking to the benefits of creating synergy between IT and AV.

Why is this unification growing in importance, and how does it provide a competitive advantage and expand the realm of possibilities? The answer starts with recognizing that IT departments act as the backbone of security and connectivity to the world outside the meeting space. With the growth and evolution of AV technology has also come an increased need for partnership with the IT infrastructure that brings big ideas to life and keeps these vital systems up and running. This isn’t just a one-way street, however — cohesive integration benefits both technical specialties and leads to organization-wide growth and success. 

A Two-Way Street

If (from our perspective) AV tech is the main character, then think of IT as the supporting role that allows our devices and strategies to shine. As AV tech continues to refine and improve by industry practitioners, IT experts, and employees remain committed to the seamless operation, open connectivity, and proactive management of these tools and devices. IT knowledge creates reliant and efficient mediums and acts as an additional resource when things need support beyond the meeting at hand.

What does IT get out of this convergence? Information Technology departments get a specialized partner who Is able and willing to take the pressures of meeting support off their proverbial plates. Furthermore, IT departments are working together with their AV counterparts to select, budget, and vision cast solutions that meet the goals of both unique roles… maintaining reliable, secure, and subjectively intuitive spaces for efficient meetings and events.

More Possibilities 

Outside of leveling-up office spaces via the integration of IT and AV tech, this new relationship opens its own set of doors. The relationship between these two disciplines paves the way for enhanced unified communications, smart buildings, data-driven decisions, and intelligent AI-integrated workspaces. These holistic solutions are a direct product of a dynamic and aligned partnership between AV tech and IT leaderships. More specifically, this integration should ultimately lead to full-scale smart environments, maximizing upon the combination of IOT sensors, AV devices, and IT infrastructure. This united advancement is paving the way for the creation of environments that adapt to user needs, optimize energy consumption, and elevate the end-user experience.

Enhanced Communication

Strong leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve communication among employees and departments — and that’s where this level of technology integration shines. The cross-pollination of IT and AV tech has helped to bridge the gap between physical and virtual interactions. AV provides the necessary tangibles and hands-on support, while IT ensures they run smoothly and safely on a complex and dynamic enterprise infrastructure.

Are you looking to unlock a world of possibilities and find your competitive edge? It may be time to reshape your perspective on, and interaction with, workspace solutions by encouraging better collaboration between your IT and AV professionals.

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