Picture This: How Video Walls Inspire the New World of Work

Ultra-high-definition LED video walls come in many sizes, and multiple screens can be linked to create a single large display. Many of these video walls can be utilized for critical environments such as military command centers, municipal traffic control, and energy management. In this blog’s instance, the video wall can be used for internal/external marketing and engagement. Screens can be wall-mounted or set on a wheeled chassis for portability. Users can control on-screen content through tablets or other portable devices, and touchscreen displays make them more interactive than ever. And with more and more affordable options coming to market, video walls are realizable for even small and midsize businesses.

With more team members returning to the office, video walls can provide a compelling “welcome back!” in common areas such as the front lobby, employee lounge, or kitchen. Every on-site team member passes through the front entrance at least twice a day, and most will visit the lounge or kitchen area for coffee or a lunch break.

Imagine how clear sound, vivid color, and engaging video content could energize these common spaces. Video wall information can spotlight company success, team members’ experiences, and much more. You can stream announcements, team-building activities, and training or orientation information in common areas, where everyone is likely to see it – and remember it. Companywide emails can get the word out, but video walls can reinforce important messages in a powerful way.    

Additionally, a video wall in your lobby can make a great first impression on potential new team members. The Great Resignation has meant unprecedented turnover in most industries, and you’re probably hiring. While waiting in your lobby to meet the HR or hiring team, candidates see the video wall and get a feel for your company’s culture, what you do, and how you do it … in a tech-forward, eye-catching way.

Creating a community in which all team members are recognized and honored is vital for positive workforce engagement. Video walls let you welcome your newest team members by announcing their arrival with –  for example –  a picture, a brief biography, and some of their interests. Colleagues can see who will be joining the group. And when new hires see that you publicly recognize hard work, promotions, and other accomplishments, they are more likely to feel like “part of the family” and stay. 

A video wall in your lobby also demonstrates your company’s excellence to potential customers. For example, your video wall feed can highlight new offices or thank your team members for volunteering in their community. You can showcase new products or services. A video wall can provide great talking points that start a conversation that turns prospective business partners into satisfied business partners.

A big screen for big ideas

Video walls also power up team meetings and presentations by allowing more interaction than ever before on a larger screen. Today’s traditional office tools allow any participants to post static messages, text, audio, and video for their colleagues to see. With a video wall, your brainstormers can display, combine, or change ideas in real-time. Your colleagues’ big ideas aren’t constrained to tiny screens. 

Remote team members’ cameras and collaborative note boards can be on the same video wall, allowing for more active meeting participation from everyone. This ensures vibrant exchanges of ideas without “proximity bias,” the unintentional favoring of on-site participants. This is a crucial way to optimize hybrid work models and remote collaboration – in other words, to make sure all your team’s voices are heard.

Video walls are ready to revolutionize your workplace and workflows, but make sure you think through your technology requirements and configurations before you start. A trusted AV partner can assess your potential needs for screen size and placement, controls, back-end video, and audio processors, and feeds from multiple sources.

With an effective AV partner in your corner, you can use video walls to create an engaging workplace, energize your workforce, and gain customers. Get the picture? 

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