The Three Best Web Conferencing Platforms

Web conferencing has revolutionized the way we communicate and has streamlined many business operations. With the rise of remote work, web conferencing has become a much-needed solution. These tools have been able to drive collaboration and transform how business professionals talk to one another. But you need to know which tools to use among the multiple out in the market. Luckily the experts at AV-Tech have compiled their top three for you.


Zoom is the most consistent and functional platform out of all the market options. From laptop-to-laptop usage to larger meetings with many users, Zoom covers all the bases. It is extremely user-friendly and easy to work with regardless if you are a technology novice or an IT expert. The platform is very customizable and affordable as it has many different package tiers. Zoom is scalable and can grow with your business, so it is a great choice for enterprise or small business users. There are many high-end audio features that can significantly improve the quality of calls. You can connect anywhere, anytime and ensure a quality transmission whether you are in a conference room or an airport.


WebeX from Cisco is one of the longest running web conferencing platforms and has set a lot of the standards for the industry. Where Zoom is a more flexible option, WebeX is the ideal fit for enterprise customers. The platform is reliable and enterprise tested. From high-quality audio transmissions to sharing presentations and video conferencing, WebeX has great functionality to execute your meeting. Content can be embedded in the cloud for seamless presentations and hassle-free execution, which also allows for different types of meetings. Many unique tools and widgets are available like live polling or Q&A which offers an interesting dynamic for webinars, virtual training or enterprise-wide conference calls.

Microsoft Teams

This tool is ideal for simply getting work done. For small teams looking to conduct quick meetings on-the-go and work through collaborative action items, Microsoft Teams is a great asset. Users are able to share videos, files and content easily for fast results. It is not as scalable of a tool nor has as many features as Zoom or WebeX, but is great for quick and easy collaboration. Small businesses and team-based environments can take advantage of the platform, while enterprises may see more value in other tools. All notes and conversations are automatically archived making it an ideal fit for many use cases. It is included in Office 365 and makes sense for Microsoft Suite users. Teams is a pragmatic platform that we see great success for helping agile teams knock out projects and collaborate efficiently.

Despite the great features of all these platforms, support is needed for the end user. For companies looking to take their call to the next level, AV integrators can offer a more produced end-product that will stand out to your audience. From cameras to lighting, an important meeting can be enhanced to ensure a seamless experience. We can interface with any platform to offer a level of professionalism to many use cases. For a major pitch meeting, enterprise-wide conference call or an investor meeting you want the content and delivery to be above par, not a group of people huddled around a laptop with muffled audio. AV experts can ensure this experience while taking the stress of meeting quality out of the equation. With larger companies it is hard to get everyone in the same room, but with leading web conferencing platforms and trusted support you can rest easy knowing your message will be delivered.

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