The Value of Onsite AV Tech Support

A seamless and efficient workflow is critical for most businesses all the time, but the need for onsite AV tech support in a hybrid workforce is even more necessary now. AV-Tech Media’s clients not only rely on their experts to maintain and troubleshoot conference room equipment but now also seek their support for virtual meetings and other needs. One large US fast-food chain relies on AV-Tech Media’s team, headed by Kurtis Johnson, to embody its customer service excellence, which they experienced firsthand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Delivering Excellent Service in a Changing Workplace

“We go above and beyond for our clients to help them feel comfortable, just like our client does for their customers,” Kurtis explained, which is why he made sure to let his clients know that he would be available for anything that they needed no matter how simple or complex.

“We’re very much a face-to-face culture of client service,” Kurtis explained. So, how to make this work in an environment that is increasingly less face to face? Although some essential staff from the chain remained onsite, some now work remotely while others pop in to use the workspace whenever needed.

Before the pandemic, it was easier to anticipate workspace needs with scheduled meetings in the conference rooms, but the needs now are a bit more ad hoc. “Sometimes we’re asked to moderate a virtual department meeting, we jump on the call and make sure everything is working well so they can focus on the presentation.” Anyone who has presented in a meeting understands the stress and worry of preparing. To have onsite support ensure a seamless and glitch-free meeting is priceless.

The New Normal is Adaptability 

No one could have predicted the pandemic, but Kurtis says there is a significant benefit to having onsite AV Tech support when the unexpected happens – adaptability and agility. The AV-Tech team reached out proactively to let their client know that they were there, ready, willing, and able to help. “We can easily adapt to new needs. I think that’s a critical benefit to having onsite AV tech support” Kurtis explained.

With the workplace changing, it is essential to think ahead and prevent or minimize common issues. “It’s good to keep an eye on spaces and make sure things are working properly. We check that screens are connected. We do routine testing,” Kurtis explained. Sometimes hardware drops off the network, or construction can kill the power and cause outages, and the team will reboot it. It is all done with the support of an onsite team.

AV-Tech also helps with virtual meetings and events. The team tests ahead of time, making sure everyone can log in as they would during the actual meeting. Going the extra mile to ensure that employees have what they need downloaded and that cameras and sound are working is part of the AV-Tech team’s routine. Helping employees who may not be as technically-savvy get on the same page and learn how to share their screen or upgrade to a new version of the software has become a regular part of this routine.

Even with an evolving office, one thing that will not change is superior customer service. “Going that extra mile. Building and cultivating strong relationships is a core value for AV-Tech,” Kurtis said. “For onsite support, you need to have the ability to become part of their family.”

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