Why You Don’t Want an “Independent AV Contractor”

When businesses begin looking for an AV provider, often the easiest and least time-consuming option is to hire an independent contractor that tempers an immediate pain point. However, there’s one aspect of this strategy that often isn’t given the attention it deserves: how decisions made today will impact your goals in the long-term.

While staffing a one-off AV independent contractor can offer flexibility and temporary access to specialized expertise, it also means running certain risks. Independent contractors who don’t operate from a partnership mindset have less reason to get the job done well rather than quickly, and they probably don’t have an eye on your overall business interests or technical strategy.

If you’re looking to find the right AV partner who will become a valued contracted resource, you’ll need to ensure that your provider has all the right stuff. Let’s discuss some “green flags” to look out for:

  1. Familiarity with your needs and culture: Independent AV contractors often work with a wide range of clients, which can limit their ability to fully understand the specific needs and culture of your organization. This can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunication, and a less-tailored AV solution. A full-service contractor with a partnership mindset, however, will take the time to really get to know your culture, your goals and your needs.
  2. Continuity and institutional knowledge: Less-involved independent AV contractors typically provide services on a problem-specific/project-specific basis, resulting in a lack of continuity and institutional knowledge. This can make it challenging to maintain consistent standards and support ongoing AV needs effectively. A great partner will do everything they can to ensure that you have reliable, repeatable continuity and great support, no matter what’s going on with their team.
  3. Higher overall costs: Independent contractors often charge premium rates, especially for ongoing support and maintenance services. While this might fell as if it saves money in the short term, the summation of these services can lead to higher overall costs compared to hiring an in-house AV specialist or establishing a long-term partnership with an AV provider… especially when they’re not on-hand for an unexpected challenge which results in any critical business stoppage.
  4. Greater likelihood of communication and coordination issues: Working with an independent AV contractor can introduce additional (and often unneeded) layers of communication, which can then lead to delays, misunderstandings, and even potential conflicts. A true AV partner will make every effort to work with you as best as possible — and bring new ideations for better support and service to the table.
  5. Difficulty integrating new solutions with existing systems: Independent AV contractors may not have in-depth knowledge of your organization’s existing IT infrastructure and building management systems. This can make it challenging to integrate new AV solutions seamlessly and ensure compatibility with the systems you have in place.

Last but not least, there is also a broader concern about the potential for reduced control and oversight when working with an independent AV contractor. While their motivations may be good, and the one-off price seems advantageous, AV technology professionals who don’t have a true partnership with your company may feel less empowered to make decisions and consequently provide less consultative influence on the overall AV strategy and vision.

While most AV contractors can provide valuable services, organizations should carefully consider all the options available to them and take the time to select an AV partner whose approach aligns with their business culture, goals, and full-service technical needs. That’s the best way to move towards long-term success –– not just completion of a project or immediate goal.

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