Why You Should Always Consult AV in Your Office Refresh

As many employees remain on hybrid work schedules, employers are taking the time to reimagine corporate workspaces to foster improved employee connection in the office and better serve hybrid employees. This “refresh” often includes integrating new technology offices and upgrading workspaces to ensure the new needs of employees are met. So when do facility or office managers involve an AV professional to ensure that the whole process goes smoothly and is done right? Long story short: as early as possible! This blog will explain when and why you should reach out for an AV consultation during any office refresh planning phase.

Best Case Scenario: Start Early – Way Early

The earlier you think you need to involve a team of AV experts, the reality is even earlier than what you were thinking. It’s common to think that AV pros should only be engaged once the space is fully built., However,  having a dedicated AV presence during the planning and ideation phase brings more benefits than most realize. You’re guaranteed the best value and result when AV is involved before construction begins.

Involving AV experts at the planning stage of your office build-out or refresh allows you to have experts on the project who specialize in specific details that will make the day-to-day experience of your space more accessible. In addition, AV experts can contribute their expertise and knowledge about the specs required for electrical, internet access, the impact of materials on acoustics, and much more by being a part of the building team. For example, you may not think your new office’s flooring or ceiling material matters much, but it certainly does from an AV perspective.

If you don’t involve an AV expert right from your project’s ideation or design phase, don’t fret; it isn’t game over.

Most Likely Scenario: Add-ons 

In many scenarios, AV experts are typically brought onto a refresh project after the building process is finalized. But worry not; you can still create the office audio-visual experience you desire. While your AV team may feel constrained – and may have to do some minor construction – there are still plenty of options to ensure that your new office space looks, sounds, and operates at its best.

As some creative examples, the industry offers products like large LED displays on a rolling cart and surface-mounted video conferencing sound bars. In addition, there are various table-top microphones used for existing conferencing room tables. These are a few examples of post-build add-ons an AV team could introduce to your space to allow it to reach its full potential.

Regardless – Make a Plan

Regardless of how early – or late – AV professionals are involved in your office refresh or redesign, the key to ensuring everything runs the first time smoothly is to have a plan in place ahead of time. Here, AV pros will positively impact the planning process – regardless of when they are involved. Your AV team will play a key component in ensuring the long-term success of your office refresh project.

Trained AV pros have an eye on the future – to prevent year after year overhauls and ensure your company’s requirements are met for your investment. Additionally, AV experts will ensure that your tech is appropriately cared for and maintained, preventing the frequent replacement cycle that often plagues corporate workplaces. The bottom line – AV pros making your plans is good for your bottom line.

Not sure where to start when creating your office refresh plan? Reach out to one of our AV experts today. “We Got You”!

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