AV & The Cloud: Delivering Rich Media Over Data Connections

Downloading Media

When media is stored to your device, it’s instantly and readily available and can easily be watched in high-resolution formats. When media is stored to the cloud, it has to be downloaded, so you’ll need to give yourself more time to ensure your video is ready to play.

Picking a Size

Remember, the longer the video, the longer it takes to download. Be aware of the size of your file and calculate in expected download time. When compressing audio, set a minimum standard for compression and never go below that threshold (we recommend 256 kbps). When transferring video, the larger the size, the longer it takes to download, so account for this when using video for business purposes – Keep in mind, for a 30-minute video, you may have to make compromises on resolution and/or download rate.

Looking Forward

The advent of 5G is completely changing the way we access media. Right now, 5G is available in major city markets, so if you don’t live in a big city, you most likely won’t have access quite yet. Access to faster speeds, has a cascading effect down to the workplace when thinking about delivering content to your customers and employees, especially in instances when employees work from home. Imagine work-from-home employees downloading data as much as 100x faster. This will soon be a reality.

If your workplace hasn’t switched to a cloud-based system, now may be the time, even more so if your workforce is currently working from home. The better access you provide your employees, the more productive they’ll be – which ultimately leads to increased profit for your business.

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