Remote Control: Tips for Optimally Managing a Remote Workforce

In past months, we’ve all seen that a significant percentage of the workforce has transitioned from the in-office to home-office environment. The new trend of teleworking is one we expect to continue well past the pandemic.

Nonetheless, COVID-19 has forced many businesses to recognize the true value of allowing staff to work from home.  This belief is backed by data. According to Business News Daily, studies show that remote employees work 1.4 more days per week than their in-office counterparts. While there are many benefits to teleworking, managing remote teams can present new challenges. It’s important that businesses are equipped to manage remote staff to get the very best results.

Here are some considerations to ensure better and effective management from a social distance to get high-performing results.


Let’s Get Visual: Leverage Video Platforms

One caveat to working from home is less face-to-face interaction with team members.  Thanks to technology, tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams make visual interactions (from a distance) simple. While phone conferences are a feasible option, the benefits of facial connectivity should not be underestimated. Video chatting platforms allow users to sustain relationships through time and space, which fosters a sense of togetherness that is needed when working in a team setting. Features like screen sharing, chat functionality and file sharing allow staff to collaborate and meet goals without requiring them to physically work inside an office.


Use Messaging Platforms

If your team isn’t familiar with Slack, Cisco Webex or Microsoft Teams chats, now’s the time to take advantage. Messaging apps save the time it takes to call or email a co-worker, giving employees more time to focus on work. Messaging platforms also allow you to set up as many channels as you like, so employees can have individual places to discuss various projects, speak one-on-one or connect in group settings.


Keep File Sharing Secure

Inside the office, it’s easier to ensure sensitive data stays secure. Outside the office, this becomes a bit trickier. Providing employees with platforms to share files is necessary. Staff without needed resources often turn to third-party, cloud-based services, which are not ideal for sharing sensitive information. Any company that employs remote workers should determine employee needs and plan accordingly. Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive are some of the better-known platforms, but there are many resources available, so allow time to research and identify what works best for your team.

In determining if teleworking is for you, you must first review your organization’s goals, practices and values, weigh the pros and cons and decide what working model is best for your business. If you need some help deciding, our experts are happy to guide you through the process. Allow time to take the proper planning steps, and you’ll find the work-from-home model can result in many benefits for your employees and your business.

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